So, I am getting ready for Ajamien's first birthday, and it is going to be a Circus theme in the backyard! I am really looking forward to it. We are going to have A Tarp, Hot Dog bar, Chips, Lemonade, Fruit Punch, Fruit Salad, Face painting, bean bag toss, Candy goodie bags with the Circus peanut candy and a half yellow and half marble cake with whipped topping :) I think that it is going to be a GREAT time.
Chuck thinks that it is a bad idea because Ajamien will not even remember it and you know what I think that he is right! Hard to believe! But you know I have already planned it and sent out the evites and so I am going to do it. I think that birthday parties are really for the mom, so we can do a nice party and feel good about it. I am a firm believer in celebrating birthday's :) I love birthday's and love parties so this works out for me.
Brianna's eyebrows are back and better then ever :) She is NEVER going to do that again, lol!
Charleigh is my Charleigh, what can you say about her, besides that she is a Charleigh and a half :) She started dance class last Sat. and my mom said that when she took her that Charleigh was like "I am too tired to dance" so my mom called me and all of a sudden after telling her that if she danced I would get her a prize she got the energy to move :) lol! I know that is not a good idea, but we do it sometimes!
Ajamien, Well he is getting so BIG, he wants to walk but is too afraid to do it :( He will stand up all alone and then get really EXCITED and fall. I think it will not be much longer. I hope anyway, hmmmmmmmmmmm..............I should probably not hope for that just yet, then my baby days will be over :(
Till next time :)
Fun update!! The party sounds like so much fun! What a good idea!